Federal Business Immigration – Canada

Federal Business Immigration – Canada

If you’re an artist, artisan, athlete, or farmer who has an ability to get employed by themselves in these fields and if you’ve got the experience and willing to immigrate to Canada then you are good to go.

The applicants must have relevant experience of qualifying activities of five years before the date of application. The relevant experience may consist of self-employment or participating at a world class level in art, culture, recreation, farm management or sport activities.

Selection Criteria Maximum Points
Education 25
Experience 35
Age 10
Proficiency in English/ French 24
Adabtability 6
Total 100


Relevant Experience:

  • Self-Employment in cultural activities or athletics; or
  • Articipation, at the world-class level, in cultural activities or athletics; or
  • Farm management experience.
  • The applicants must score a minimum of 35 in order to immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person.

Visas in the Federal Business Immigration Visa Category Include


The experienced business persons get attracted towards Entrepreneur Program as it is for businesspersons who would own and actively manage businesses in Canada and willing to contribute to the Canadian economy.

The Eligibility criteria for the program as follows:

  • A candidate should have a net worth of legally acquired CDN$ 300000 (including spousal assets).
  • A candidate must show the business experience.
  • A candidate must establish or acquire a percentage of equity (at least 33.33%) in a business that you must actively manage.
  • A candidate must create at least one new job for a permanent resident or Canadian citizen.
  • A candidate must abide by the conditions of entrepreneurs even after arriving in Canada
  • The candidate and their family members would get Canadian Permanent Residency and they can live anywhere in Canada except Quebec, under Entrepreneur program.


The experienced business people who got capital & the skills to use it right, to promote economic growth and employment in Canada by solid managerial skills are attracted towards Immigrant Investor Program.

The Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has put a temporary prohibition on the Immigrant Investor Program. CIC is going to announced plans to re-introduce it with new reforms and applicants have to reapply once new regulations come into force if they already applied under this program.


Self-employed category is for persons who have the intention and ability to create their own employment in the cultural, artistic or athletic fields in Canada by purchasing and managing a farm in Canada. Relevant experience before the date of application is of two years, for a permanent resident visa.

The experience must comprise of following activities:

Cultural Activities

  • An applicant must have two one-year of experience in cultural activities under self-employment, or
  • An applicant must have two one-year of experience in participation at a world class level in cultural activities, or
  • An applicant must have a combination of a one-year period of experience in both the points described above.

Athletics Activities

  • An applicant must have two one-year of experience in athletics under self-employment, or
  • An applicant must have two one-year of experience in participation at a world class level in athletics, or
  • An applicant must have a combination of a one-year period of experience in both the points described above.
  • And the applicant must have the purchase and management of a farm, two one-year of experience in the management of a farm.

Applicants must also score a minimum of 35 points in order to meet the other eligibility criteria based on point system.

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