IELTS Program

IELTS Program

IELTS Reading

The IELTS scholastic perusing period is 60 minutes. In this you will not get any extra time to transfer your answers on the answer sheet. The perusing Paper comprises of three distinct writings and a total of 40 questions.

The writings are credible and scholastic in nature, but written for a non specialist audience. They are like the sorts of writings you may discover in papers or magazines. The style can be distinct or factious and in any event one content has a point by point sensible contention. Texts may contain illustrations. If a text contains technical terms, a simple glossary is provided. The three texts are graded from easiest to most difficult. Each text will have 12 to 14 Items

Task Types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Identifying Information (T/F/ NG)
  • Identifying the writer’s views/ claims (Y/N/NG)
  • Matching Information
  • Matching Headings
  • Matching Features
  • Matching Sentence Endings
  • Sentence Completion
  • Notes / Summary / Table / Flow – Chart completion
  • Labelling a Diagram
  • Short – Answer Questions

IELTS Writing Tips

The Duration of IELTS Academic Writing test is one hour. In this test there are two separate writing tasks. You must answer both tasks.

Writing task 1:

Duration: 20 Minutes

Word Limit: 150 words

In this task you need to accurately describe and summarize visual information. The information may be presented in a diagram, map, graph or table.

Writing task 2:

Duration: 40 Minutes

Word Limit: 250 words

In this task you need to write a discursive essay. You will be given an opinion, problem or issue that you need to respond to. You can be asked to compare and contrast different ideas, provide solutions, challenge an idea or evaluate a problem.

Assessment: You will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Task Achievement
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and accuracy

IELTS Listening Tips

The listening paper is the same in both Academic and the General training modules of the IELTS test. The duration of this test is approximately 30 minutes and you are given 10 minutes to write the answers on a separate answer sheet.

What kind of text will I hear?

  • A conversation between two people about a general topic with a transactional purpose like finding out information about travel.
  • A monologue or prompted monologue on a general topic with a transactional purpose like giving information about events in the community.
  • A conversation between two or three people in an academic context like a student and a student and a tutor discussing an academic problem.
  • A monologue in an academic context like a lecture.

There are 10 questions for each section in the listening test. Below are the task types that you may find in any section. You may have between one and three different tasks per section.

Task Type:

  • Notes / Summary / Table / Flow – Chart Completion
  • Multiple Choice
  • Short Answer Questions
  • Sentence Completion
  • Labelling a diagram, plan or map
  • Classification
  • Matching

IELTS Speaking Tips

This test consists of an interview with a trained examiner. The interview is recorded. The test has three different parts and the examiner will use a script. This helps to make sure that the speaking tests all follow the same pattern.

Part 1:

Time: 4 to 5 minutes

Question Type: Questions on a familiar topics like Hobbies, likes and dislikes etc.


Part 2:

Time: 3 to 4 minutes

Question Type: you will be given a booklet with a topic (i.e. Describe a good friend) and some suggestions. You need to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have about one minute to write notes before you begin.

Part 3:

Time: 4 to 5 minutes

Question Type: the examiner will ask you more detailed and more abstract questions about the topic in part 2; like how important is friendship?

Assessment: You will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Fluency and Coherence
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Pronunciation


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