Bulgaria Investor Program

Bulgaria Investor Program

Bulgaria boasts a rich and diverse culture, temperate climate, and ideal location in Southeast Europe, as one of the youngest EU member states, the Investor Program for Residence and Citizenship in Bulgaria helps get you there faster. To become a European resident, an applicant can invest and the investor upon investing in Bulgaria gets all the benefits of a Citizen and instantaneously.

Benefits of the program:

  • Fast-track option leading to citizenship within 2 years
  • Lowest tax rates and free trade environment within the EU
  • Fast track processing to get the Permanent Residency
  • Government-approved investment and available financing options from banks
  • Residing in Bulgaria is not mandatory
  • No obligation to leave current nationality
  • No language requirement

Benefits for permanent residents:

  • Access to high quality healthcare in Bulgaria and the EU
  • Conditional tax exemption on world income
  • Free movement within the Schengen zone

Benefits for citizens:

  • Right to own land in EU country
  • Unrestricted right to live, work and study in Europe


Investment criteria

The Investor can get a fast-track citizenship option under the investor program for Residence and Citizenship. It is also one of the fastest programs to lead to Permanent Residence. An applicant will need to meet one of the requirements outlined in the Investment Options section, to qualify for application.

Application criteria

Applicants must also meet the following requirements, in addition to making a financial investment. The applicant should:

  • Have net worth of €511,292 for the full investment option
  • Be a non-EU citizen
  • Prove that he/ she holds high character and has no criminal past
  • Furnish documents supporting the source and origin of the declared and invested funds
  • Attest the Power of Attorneys and the Investment Agreement
  • Make the minimum statutory trips to Bulgaria

Fast-Track Citizenship

The investors may apply for citizenship faster by doubling their investment, under the fast-track option. The requirements for this category are:

  • Hold second additional investment for a period of 2 years
  • Have at least 1 year of permanent resident status
  • Double the investment by investing €512,000 in government bonds or in the capital of a Bulgaria company, which is carrying out a Priority Investment Project

Citizenship applications for participants in the fast-track citizenship program are examined under express procedure. Financing options are available to qualified applicants.

Citizenship Requirements

Foreign investors are eligible to apply who hold a Permanent Residency Visa for at least 5 years.


  • Must be over 18 years of age
  • Must have maintained Permanent Resident status and a valid residential address for the past 5 years;
  • Must have never been sentenced by a Bulgaria court for a capital offence or accused in criminal proceedings for such a crime (unless he/she has been rehabilitated).


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