Family Visa Australia

Family Visa Australia

The Australian Family migration promotes to reunite immediate and extended family members with their eligible Australian relatives.

Family Spouse Visa

Under a Family Spouse Visa, a married partner (opposite or same-sex) may join his/her spouse in Australia. The sponsor should be permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens or Australian citizen or. If it is considered as genuine then the applicant is issued a permanent visa. The applicant is permitted to live, study and work in Australia, upon approval. This temporary visa is issues for 2 years, after which, the relationship is re-examined.

Prospective Marriage Visa

This is valid for 9 months and this is a temporary visa. The time limit for visa holders should to marry their fiancé (e) is 9 months. If you apply for an Australian Prospective Marriage visa, the applicant is allowed to visit Australia to marry their fiancé (e), Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens. Applicant can apply for an Australian Spouse visa if they wish to remain in Australia permanently with their spouse, post marriage.

Aged Parent Visa

Under this visa, applicants are permitted to call their retirement aged parents to join them living in Australia, permanently. The applicant should have valid temporary visa and have been living in Australia on it. Male applicants should be at least 65 years of age, while, female applicants should be at least 63 years of age. The sponsor (read children) should be eligible Australian or New Zealand residents settled in Australia. They are allowed to live, study and work in Australia, once approved.

Parent Visa

Under this visa, applicant’s parents are allowed to join their children in Australia permanently. The child should be eligible sponsor for the parents. However, it is important that applicants should have at least half of their children living legally and permanently in Australia. The applicant is entitled to live, study and work in Australia, permanently, upon approval.

Visas in the Family category include:

Spouse Visa

Under Australian Spouse visa, married or genuine partners of Australian citizens or permanent residents
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Prospective Marriage Visa

Applicants should have sponsoring partners of at least 18 years of age, in order to be eligible for Prospective Marriage Partners
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Parent Visa - Working Age

The Parent visa allows parent to join their children in Australia permanently...
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Parent Visa - Aged

Under this visa, the aged parents are allowed to live in Australia, permanently with their children...
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